This entry i wanna to share "How To Thank Allah". This is short entry..;)
Sometimes we forget to be thankful to Allah.
So many people come to us asking why it seems that they seem to have more bad things happen to them than good things. Well it boils down to one simple question…When was the last time you thanked Allah?
It may sound strange but the reality is that very few people actually take the time to thank Allah when something good happens to them. So often we tend to focuss in on the bad things in our lives and complain about how miserable we are. But if we were to take the time to think about the good things in our lives and then fall to our knees and thank Allah…we would see that the good always outweigh the bad.
The next time you get a bit of good news, try falling down to your knees and thanking Allah. I guarantee that Allah will in turn keep the good things coming to you...
" Our Lord. In you we put our trust and to you we turn
in repentance and to you is (our)
final Return. "
[Al-Mumtahanah: 4]
dear nor...
what nice topic here..i'm agree with you
sometimes we forget to thankful to allah..
how many times we said 'syukur, alhamdulillah to allah for everything that allah give..soo naive, we are..huhu
just want to share, hopefully it can give benefit to others...it's actually somehow to show our thankfulness to Allah
1) always remember ALLAH what ever situation was happened to you
2)put ALLAH for the first side
3) remember that Allah does not burden any soul but to its capacity. For it is what it earns, and against it is what it does. "Our Rabb! do not take us to task if we forget, or we make a mistake; our Rabb! and do not lay upon us a burden as you had lain on those before us; our Rabb! and do not impose upon us that for which no strength have we. Therefore pardon us; and grant us protection; and be kind to us. You are our Patron; therefore help us over the Unbelieving people."
ikhlas by me... IMah
love you friend :)
MashaAllah imah, u gave such a beautiful talk, keep it up my dear!
May ALLAH reward you for your deeds my dear….
The prophet (sa) said the best duaa is the one that comes from your heart.
You do not need a specific duaa..
talk to allah yourself and thank him from your heart.
"If Allah is your protector, none can overcome you, and if He forsakes you, then who can help you? Trust Allah and have faith in His sovereign power"
[Qur'an, Al-Imran, Surah 3:160]
O... Allah, bless us with wisdom and mercy,
O... Allah the most Merciful.
O... Allah, please accept this humble effort and forgive me for my shortcomings.
O... Allah, bless me with more knowledge and true understanding
O... Allah, help me to remember You, thank You and worship You properly.
Allahuma a’inee ‘alaa dhikrika wa shukrikah wa husni ‘ibaadatik.
- ameennn -
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