Alhamdulillah...Bersyukur pada Tuhan kerana DIA memberi keizinan aku ni untuk menulis blog.kerana DIA juga telah memberikan aku rezeki...akal fikiran yg waras....tubuh badan yg sihat...arini aku pose sunat..lame bebeno xpose sunat nie.Alhamdulillah pose gnti aku daa settle.Arini menu nk masak sayur Kangkung Goreng Bilis jer untuk berbuke puase.....ok laa tue nk mkn untuk org biase macam aku nie...huhuhu...
1)Bahan-bahan untuk ditumis. Ikan bilis boleh diganti dengan udang kering atau belacan2)Kangkung
3)An optional way to 'siang' kangkung by cutting the stem into half hehehe ckp org putih plok nie...
4)And ini dia rupe kangkung after di'siang'
5)Tumis bawang, lada dan ikan bilis yang telah ditumbuk atau di'blend'. Jangan lupa tambah garam.
6)Masukkan kangkung (no need to add water)
7)Kangkung yang telah siap digoreng yeay daa siap....
I am a person who is positive about every aspect of life.There are many things I like to do, to see, and to experience.
I like to read, I like to write, I like to draw, I like to think, I like to dream, I like to talk, I like to listen, I like to joke, I like to laugh, I like to be alone, I like to be surrounded by people,
I like to love. I like flowers in spring, rain in summer, leaves in autumn,
and snow in winter. I like delicious food, comfortable shoes and comfortable clothes ...owh! see... so many things I like! huhuhu....peace no war..:D
I ask for strength..
and Allah gave me
difficulties to make me strong..
I asked for wisdom..
and Allah gave me
problems to solve..
I asked for courage..
and Allah gave me
obstacles to overcome.
I asked for Love..
and Allah gave me
troubled people to help.
I asked for favors...
and Allah gave me opportunities...
" may be i received nothing i wanted..
but i received everything i need."
membuka selera..pasni leh try masak resepi chef norway yg berasal dr norway..huhu
sedap x?mesti laa sedapkan...
mmg sedap bangat...
sedap sampai menjilat jari kaki...
sila laa try..klo rase konfius..
dtg laa kt nOrway...nk bg perisa lbh nie...huhuhu...
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